Hey guys!
So today I am going to do a wish
list and I'm not entirely sure if I have done one of these before but if I
have, oh well, you have the joy of seeing another one today.
I am going to be doing a Romwe wish
list and for those of you that don’t know, Romwe is an online fashion and
beauty website that ship worldwide. Now I have been browsing their website
lately and found some things that I have put on my wish list from that shop to
share with you guys. So if external forces decide to make it rain money one
day, I will be straight on that website and ordering what I want. So if you want to see what is on my wish
list, keep reading J
(its not that much to be honest but its worth looking at and they have some
more amazing stuff on their website)
featured on the wish list
Floral print dress http://www.romwe.com/vinyl-panel-zippered-buttoned-floral-print-dress-p-74672.html
Double inverted triangle t shirt http://www.romwe.com/double-inverted-triangle-black-tshirt-p-58400.html
Spikes necklace http://www.romwe.com/spikes-pendant-necklace-p-76947.html
I hope you guys liked the post and
perhaps you can check out the website for yourself and see what you can find on
there. And you never know, you may end up with a Romwe wish list too J
Missed my
last post? Check it out here: http://holychicxox.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/autumn-haul-youtube-edition-holy-chic.html
Most recent
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3MJ8htvWJA
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media sites here:Youtube account
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Contact me: holychiccontact@gmail.com
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See you
guys with a new post really soon!
A x