A bloggers toolkit is not one that contains hammers, nails
and screwdrivers so sorry to disappoint if that is what you were expecting but I am going to share with you some things I consider to be essentials when moving forward in blogging.
Notebook + pen: this will help you stay organised, keep
track of posts you have written, need to write/upload and what not. I’m sorry
to tell you this but you can’t make it very far in blogging without a good old
Camera: the rumours aren’t true; you don’t need an expensive
dslr camera to do blogging. Of course if you want to, that’s your call but a
phone camera does the job just fine. Sometimes all you need is good lighting
Usb: this is optional if you like to write your posts in
advance, this will come in handy. You can take your posts on the go, organise
them in to different folders and what not
Tablet: this is just my alternative to the oh so important
laptop which might just be the no.1 essential. I blog off of my home computer
so my tablet is more for travelling purposes and writing the odd blog post,
Instagram and participating in chats
Those are just some of my bloggers toolkit essentials and
are ones I would have. Are there any you think I have missed or recommend?
Have an awesome day