Today I thought I would shake things up a little this week and as it is the very beginning, a new week can bring about a new set of things to do. So here are some things to do this week…#1
Smell this – I’m
not looking to splash out the cash on Victoria secret body mists anytime soon
so these Nspa ones have been doing great for me and they have a wide variety of
scents to choose from
Eat it – five
guys. American food sizing is outrageous but it is so worth it so why not go
and have a little treat at five guys. A great afternoon out with the girls for
some burgers
Take a break – I
have been grabbing some fresh air recently and the weather seems to have perked
up. (have I spoken too soon?) Don’t let hayfever stop you, if possible.
Wear it – with
this in between weather we are having right now, I recommend a crepe texture
cardigan or sleeveless blazer thing… a great piece for layering and something
light to carry if it gets too hot. Plus you look chic all day. Mine is from Primark.