Hey guys!
So today is the third instalment
of review 2013 in a month! I am so excited to be reviewing the year for you in
the form of questions. This is a mix up of what I found on line and some
inserts of the New Year’s tag so this is really just a jumbled mess. But that
aside, I hope you enjoy it J
What was the smartest decision you made this year?- deciding to work harder
and not care what anyone thinks and live my life the way I want and do what
makes me happy
What one word best sums up your year experience? unimaginable
What are you most happy about completing? GCSE’s. now that I have done them I realise
how easy they are but its soo good to get them out of the way
What was the biggest risk you took? - I honestly don’t even know the answer to
that. I’m not the most risqué person out there.
What are you most grateful for this past year?- probably having the
chance to start a blog and interacting with so many amazing people through
social media
What was your biggest achievement of the year?- completing the challenge
What do you wish you had done more of? Getting out of the house and meeting new
What do you wish you had done less of? Thinking negatively. I have achieved so much
more thinking positively
Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself that
would travel back in time so that you would receive it at the start of the
year, what advice would you give your younger self? To just let go of the
past and move on. Think positively and try my hardest because it will get me so
much further in life
How have I procrastinated?- this should be rephrased to did you
procrastinate and the answer is yes all the freaking time but this year I am
going to fight it!
In what ways can I re-structure my time?- planning an organisation
What were your favourite TV Programs? Pretty little liars, revenge, 90210, new
girl, suburgatory, two broke girls, I’m a celebrity…get me out of here, the
list is honestly endless
What were your favourite books?- considering I don’t read that much, I have
loved of mice and men and the hunger games trilogy
What was your favourite movie this year? Hunger games catching fire, pitch perfect,
the conjuring…. (you will have to wait for another favourites post for more of
my answers to questions like this J)
What song will always remind you of this year? Glory and gore by lorde.
It might sound depressing to you but it has really changed the way I view music
and this year as a whole
Did you attend any concerts, plays or art events this year? Gentleman of the road
festival. Read all about it here if you are interested on finding out my
experience of that.
What did you wear often in your wardrobe? Converses, jeans, cardigans, scarves,
pinafore! Check out my previous post for that (link further down)
What was your hair style this year? Well because my
hair was out most of the year, I went from straight to curly. During hot
weather it was always in a messy but now that it’s colder, it’s always down.
Describe your style of this past year in one word? Safe!
20. How old did you turn on your birthday? I turned 16 this year!
That’s a good number I think.
How did you celebrate your birthday this year? Just had some close
friends come over
22. How did you spend the Holidays e.g. Christmas, Easter
etc.? – The
usual really. Just with family.
23. How will you be spending New Years? Probably with my family
again as usual or I might go out with some friends into central London. (I
spent it with my family in the end!)
24. What holidays did you go on last year? I went to Portugal…again!
(don’t ask)
25. What was the biggest Surprise of this year? Umm I don’t know really.
My Christmas presents I guess.
26. What is your typical day? School, I usually have 4
lessons a day and just chill in my free periods and go out for lunch. Nothing
much to it really.
27. What do you hope from those who work around you
the most remember about you? That deep down a nice person. Lol. What I’m
trying to say that I will never be horrible to you with no actual reason
28. What was your greatest challenge/lesson at work
or school? Getting
my art gcse coursework in on time
29. How have you grown as a person because of your
work and school experience? Eventually you get to the point where you realise
that there will always be shit people (excuse the lingo) around you but you can’t
let them get to you. Ignore the bullshit (and again) and move one because it
wastes too much time to care what others are doing or what they are thinking
30. What date from this year will remain etched
upon your memory and why? … because that is when I bonded with some
amazing people and went to a fire station and got to mess around with the
hoses. Honestly the best day of my life
What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? Guys! Lol not really. I
don’t think I have one
32. What slowed you down this past year? Gcses and negativity
33. What person(s) occupied most of your time? My 3 most amazing
friends. Because it’s okay because they have my permission to do so.
34. If you had more time to invest in this past year
what would you do with it? Start the beginning bit again
35. I want a ‘do-over’ with.... the last academic year
(year 11) I was so moody and now that I look back, I hate that part of my life
36. I would use a magic wand to change... the beginning of the
year. It was so messed up. Oh and to change my lifestyle
37. I want to repeat... summer because it was
sooo amazing
38. I was embarrassed by... errm I can’t think of
39. I lost.... my true self for a little while
40. I gained... a great group of friends and acquaintances
and my true self
I regret...
letting myself get so miserable
42. I am thankful for... my group of friends
that I am lucky enough to call friends
43. I felt most alive … during the summer
because that was really a turning point for me
Where did most of
your money go?- on food and clothes
that I didn’t need
Did you fall in
love in 2013?- nope
Do you hate anyone
now that you didn’t hate this time last year?- actually there were people that I hated then that I
don’t hate now (pretty negative question if you ask me)
What did you want
and get?- happiness
What did you want
and not get?- I don’t even have
the faintest idea how to begin answering this question
Did you learn
anything?- negativity gets you
Do you live in the
same place you did at the beginning of the year? – Yes. I don’t plan on going anywhere any time
Did you change your
hair?- yes (with a hefty
price tag)
So overall was it a
good year?- medium
Were you naughty or
nice?- I guess nice
because of my amazing presents
54. Did you accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions?- I don’t even remember
what last year’s ones were so I don’t think so
55. What was the best thing about 2013?- the summer was
definitely the highlight for me
56. What was the worst thing about 2013?- most of the year purely
down to me
57. What surprised you most about the year?- how far I could get
58. Did you change at all during the year?- definitely and for the
59. What do you hope for 2014? – take opportunities once
the come about, to never give up on anything. Always try otherwise you will
never know
60. What are your goals and resolutions for 2014?- You can check out my
post here for that J
And there you have it. 60 questions in
review of 2013. I hope you guys enjoyed this post. It was a lot of fun for me
to write and a good reflection post for me too. Some of the questions are from here if you want to go and check them out for yourself and
perhaps attempt to answer them.
So have you done a similar
post? Link it in the comments. I’d love to have a read J
Missed my last post?
Check it out here: http://holychicxox.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/2013-favourites-part-1-holy-chic.html
I launched a new series this month so I think you should go and check it out here: http://holychicxox.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/new-series-alert-buy-and-try-january.html
Most recent YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3MJ8htvWJA
I launched a new series this month so I think you should go and check it out here: http://holychicxox.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/new-series-alert-buy-and-try-january.html
Most recent YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3MJ8htvWJA
Please go and check out
my social media sites here:
Youtube account
Contact me: holychiccontact@gmail.com
My Polyvore Account
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Youtube account
Contact me: holychiccontact@gmail.com
My Polyvore Account
Follow me via Bloglovin
Holy Chic Tumblr
See you guys with a new
post really soon!
stay chic - A x
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