Saturday, 4 January 2014

My New Years Resolutions | Holy Chic

Hey guys!

So it comes to that time of year where we all begin to make our new year’s resolutions and begin to try and alter the things we did wrong in 2013. Not going to lie, I am really awful at sticking to my new year’s resolutions and I never even remember them by the month of February.

But I have a new plan. To document them. And to put them up on a wall in my room as a constant reminder to myself of the things I want to achieve by the end of the year.

So today I am going to share with you my 7 new year’s resolutions and explain to you why I have chosen these.
 So there was the list of my resolutions but they are far too vague so let me explain.

1.       I would love for this year for me to really find who I am and to become the best version of myself. To drastic changes but to just be happier and live a little more. I spent most of last year caring way too much about what people thought so this year it will change. I want to become more confident in myself and to just sometimes let go and live.

2.       If I write to diet or to lose weight I know straight away that I will not do it. My mind has no idea what it is doing. But I just want to try and eat a little bit healthier and to exercise more. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. You feel me?

3.       I buy way too much stuff and I am kind of living in constant fear of when I go and live on my won, I will have no money and will be living on benefits for the rest of my life. Scary stuff huh! Well whether it’s just being more tactical when shopping or getting a job (meeeh I don’t wanna) but I just want to be able to get better at saving.

4.       I have done my gcses now and I did okay. Not the best I could have done but I did well and what was important to me was that I got into sixth form. But I kind of realised I did do bad and I need to finish sixth form in one place and I want to give it my all in school, life and blogging which leads me on to my next resolution

5.       Get better at blogging. Now I don’t think I am terrible at it but nobody and nothing is perfect. There is so much that I can and need to improve and put more effort into. I want to gain a wider audience. Gain 100 bloglovin followers by 2015. To write more quality posts. And also no more excuses. I want to write at least 1 post a week. I know that isn’t a lot but I have finally got a schedule that works for me (when I should take pictures and when I should get typing) etc. My education is my top priority and blogging will always be there but school is top priority unfortunately.

6.       You might think number 6 is a weird one but it’s true I really need to hit the books some more. I am an English student and have an inability to read. Pathetic right?! So I am going to read at least 10 books this year. That might not be a lot but I put off reading like nobody’s business and this would be great if I actually did that target. I got a kindle for Christmas (you can see the haul here) so I am so excited to start reading on that. If you have any book recommendations, let me know in the comments please please please!

7.       And this is the final resolution. I am a relatively organised person but sometimes I just get in a right mess in leave it to the very last minute to get myself sorted out. I have, from blogging last year, found out what works for me, what to prioritise and just want to organise myself at the end of the week just to stay on top of things

 Okay so those are my new year’s resolutions and I hope you guys like this post.
Have you made any resolutions?
Made a post about them?
Let me know in the comments

 I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your week and I will see you guys in like 2 days with a new post! (yay for sticking to a schedule J)

Most recent YouTube video:  

See you guys with a new post really soon!

Stay Chic
Amira xx


  1. Lovely post and resolutions! I've posted on them too.

    Jasmine xx For a Real Woman

  2. Great resolutions :)


  3. thank you guys both very much! x I will be checking out blogs and posts tomorrow :)

  4. I see we are both part of #FahionFebruary and have followed to keep up with your posts. Follow back at

    1. Aw thank you so much x I believe I have followed you too but if not I'm on it :) x


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