Sunday, 12 April 2015

The Sunday Post : 2 weeks of bliss

Its back, I’m back, holy chic is back. And this is the first post of April. I have really been slacking on all ends of everything really but here is the low down on what I have been doing this Easter break and a little bit before that

First off, I must say I have really been enjoying the warmer weather spring has greeted us with. My skin as soaked it all up and basked in its warmth for sure. It also means you have another little friend tagging along with you – the shadow. But if the sun ain’t there, I am for sure inside and recently I have been browsing for more youtubers to watch. New ones can be a breath of fresh air but also great inspo for the mind and blog.

In other news, I passed my theory test. Why I am so overjoyed about this is 10 mins prior to taking it, I did a mock on at home and it said I would have failed (miserably) so super stoked about that. My test will be real soon, once I have money in the bank J

Something a little sneaky I also did was go on HOLIDAY! It was so nice to escape for a week and enjoy some music and just simply relax and unwind. Although it did interfere with Easter revision, it was hella worth it. I have a vlog all about it (yes a vlog can you believe it) coming tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled.

Being the television addict that I am, I finally came to the end of Gossip Girl which was so sad. It’s kinda obvious who it is all along but I still loved it soo much. I then watched and finished Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Do I have a problem? This show is another winner in my books and now I need something new to watch. Any suggestions for me?

The revision this break has been pretty much a no show but that just means I gotta work a little harder and a revision plan is in order. I hope I have this figured out like my brain seems to be reassuring me I do.

Breaking the bank seems to have also been in order this half term and I call this the rack of basics. It includes the beloved stripes, bland colours and my sixth form dinner dress might be hiding on there J a haul is coming soon DO NOT WORRY J along with the warmer weather, I have been using my Zara bag religiously as it is just my spring essential *hint hint* right now. I also dug out an old lipstick of mine from Collection’s gothic glam collection in Revenge 3 and I just loved it with my green checked shirt.
And to top it all off, I have been doing a tonne of filming, editing and picture taking. So much that I don’t think my laptop can handle it anymore and I may invest in the software soon. Super excited. Look out for new videos and vlogs soon

So there is the overdue ramble for ya. Next week will be spring week. A little late to the game but I still wanted to share some things with you. There will also be a vlog, another new sit down video and that lush haul and review you have been eager to find out about.

I now need to go and sort my life out before I get totally screwed over tomorrow at school. Hope you all had a fab Easter while it lasted and have a great week.
Love you all x
Image Map


  1. These pictures are such a great way to show what you've been up to! Love it x

    1. awh thanks so much. I intend to keep the format this way and I hope it gave you some inspiration for a future post :)

  2. It looks like you had a fantastic Easter break! :) welcome back x

    1. thank you. it was great thanks. its good to be back :) xox


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