Sunday, 10 January 2016

Things to do this week #2 | Holy Chic

So as it is still the new year, I’m sure we could all use some help in finding something to do this week eyy?


Watch it: Jessica jones. Yes you need to do it. It’s the perfect mix of superheroes, a strong female character and David tenant

Do this: check of a days to do list. Whether it is go for a run or read some of your book, get productive in January

Listen to this: the undisclosed podcast. I have to thank Beth for alerting me to this but if you loved the Serial podcast on the case of Adnan Sayed then you will love this even more. Delve deeper into the case with this podcast.

Take a break: why not have a mini UK getaway. Travelling fuels the mind; even if it is only a few miles away

Try this: the 2016 memory jar. Fill it up with all good things that happen to you over the year and at the end of the year, go through it all and see how good the year actually was for you.
Image Map


  1. I hear Jessica Jones is really good, It's on my Netflix, list to watch, but I have so many shows going on right now, it may have to wait a little longer!xx


    1. it is really good. I have some many things to watch. you might want to bump this show up your list haha :)

      thanks for stopping by x

  2. My entire life is a to-do list :D But thanks for reminding me

    1. omg same but you are very welcome. hope you get to cross off some more things next week :)

      thanks for stopping by x


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