Monday, 1 January 2018

Monday January 1st 2018

Its such a satisfying feeling that the first day of the new year is a Monday. It felt like it was meant to be. Believe it or not, I think 2017 has been one of the worst, hardest and most eye-opening years of my life. So much happened and so much I never want to happen again. But here we are at the start of the year, and I want to make a game plan. The idea of making resolutions has always felt like something I had to do because everyone else said so. Its become a massive marketing ploy to make u buy things and change your mindset for like two seconds without any lasting effects.

I want 2018 to be the year I find me again. My purpose, my sense of self, my physical, mental and financial stability, to find balance in all aspects of my life and to take each day as it comes.
I wanted to use this post to share some of the amazing things that happened this year. This was the one year I didn’t make a memory jar and I regret it because now I have nothing written to remind me that despite everything, some really amazing thigs have happened this year.

The only resolution I will be making this year is to Always keep trying. Now I do have a very long list of things I would like to do in 2018 but I am going to wait until 2019 to see how those go down. But sometimes there are those days that really get you down but you have to remember that you have survived all of your hardest days so far. My only blog resolution for the year is to create 52 posts as a minimum. Consistency is such an important thing in all aspects of life and I really want to indulge in quality over quantity.

Things to look forward too?...
Graduating from university
Moving back to London
Getting my own place
Getting a job that I love (god please I hope so)
My 21st birthday
Whatever life has in store for me

I haven’t been the most consistent this year with blogging but thank you to the few for the continued support and interacting with me on twitter and Instagram. I hope you all have an amazing start to 2018 whatever you get up to. Lets all stand behind each other, treat each other with respect, kindness and let’s help restore humanity. Stay woke folks!

Much love


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