Sunday, 31 January 2016

Things to do this week #3 | Holy Chic

Not only is it the start of a new week, it is also the 1st of February tomorrow. Oh how time does really fly by and like seriously, what happened to January. I blinked and it was gone. But with the dawning of a new month, why not try something new.

Listen to: Alessia cara. Her music is basically an album describing my life but beside from that, her music is free from the music industry controlling crap. Know it all is an amazing album

Try this: smoothie making! I got a blender for Christmas and I have enjoyed creating new recipes and reading through smoothie books.

Cook this: courgetti because it’s a great alternative to regular spaghetti but also a great way to get some veg in a meal. I’ve had mine with chicken and prawns.

Watch this: okay so I have to recommendations. The hustle which is a throwback which is a difficult to explain programme but if you know the definition of hustle that’s basically it. Silent witness has recently returned and I am just loving murder mystery atm

Drink this: lemon water. Have a glass every morning and detox your body. It’s a really simple way to get your body going especially if you wake up early.

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Saturday, 23 January 2016

3 years later and here we are | Holy Chic

Today is special. And that's because 3 yrs ago today I decided to start this blog and make a fool of myself on the Internet. Now I can't quite recall the reasoning behind doing so but whatever it was I am sure as hell happy I did it. (Let's be real it was probably Zoella). I seem to have missed this date all too often and I have had my ups and downs with this blog. From 1 to two to a name change to a redesign, you name it, I've probably done it

But here it is Holy chic in 2016 with its own little space on the Internet.  Happy birthday little blog. Thanks for everything and here's to many more years of blogging to come ;)

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Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Farfetch Competition | From Sweat to Chic | Holy Chic

Woah there, here is a throwback post for you all today. I do miss my styling posts sometimes. Let me know if I should do more in the comments! J

Having signed up to Zumba recently at my university and making somewhat of a promise to myself to be more active in 2016, I have just been infatuated with active wear. The pretty leggings and workout trainers and the amazing detailing on sports bra (which btw I envy all of you that wear those because my big boobs just need the support), but that’s okay, at least active wear caters for all of us right?

Farfetch  got in contact to tell me about a competition they were holding which included creating a workout outfit which is perfect. It combines my new found love for active wear and fashion styling which you guys know I will never shy away from :D

So today I am bringing you a workout outfit that you can switch up different pieces to make it appropriate for day or night wear. The aim; versatility.

The base; a sports bra because gotta support the ladies. And you don’t have to compromise support with chic clothing. Work out leggings for whether it be cardio, running or yoga. A baggy t shirt because there’s nothing worse than something tight when you are hot and sweaty. And the right trainers for the job.

So you have to meet up with the girls straight after. Don’t worry I have you covered.

Boyfriend/mom jeans; they are a great day to night piece with either the trainers shown above or dress it up in the evening with some strappy heels. They are also post work out friendly as to their fit and most importantly, food baby friendly

A jacket which is great for layering with plaid shirts etc. but also works great on its own day or night.

The obnoxious scarf: a cult classic these days and great for adding some extra warmth if your day includes being outside a fair bit

The rucksack. Okay so this isn’t the most gym friendly but if you can get the gear you need in it as well as it being a day bag, go for it. As it’s a backpack, it will be out of the way whilst perhaps exploring the city. But a gym bag with a smaller side bag inside would be my next go to.

And as I said versatility is key and I think when purchasing not only “regular clothing” but work out gear, it’s important to get more for your money. All the pieces u have shown are transitional and interchangeable with each other; great in any woman’s wardrobe.

 I hope this post inspired some of you and if you are in need of workout gear or inspiration for it, why not take a peek for yourself ;)

 Until next time my loves J

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Summer 2016 | Holy Chic

Okay so I have some amazing news to share with you guys. You may have seen the odd tweet about it here and there but I am going to THAILAND! Yes it is really happening. But I have good reason to go. Here me out.

So this summer I will be going away to Thailand for 3 weeks with FutureSense foundation. They are an organisation that works for the benefit of disadvantaged communities around the world, and I will be supporting their efforts both as a fundraiser and as a volunteer during the expedition.

I will be volunteering to teach underprivileged children media literacy skills as well as other skills outside of their curriculum.

Now I am raising money for this and my target is £2250. And I am writing this to ask if you could support me in this challenge and donate whatever you can to the cause. Proceeds go to future sense foundation and helps fund more of the amazing work they do.

Here is a link to my Virgin giving money page: where you can make an online donation. If you cant donate, I would love it even more if you could share this page with your friends, family and other bloggers. The links to my donation page is also at the top of my blog under the ding "donate to Thailand".

If you made it to the end, I appreciate you taking the time out to read this message. Have a great rest of your day and THANK YOU!! <3

If you want to know more about the amazing work that future sense foundation do, click here:

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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Update time again! | Holy Chic

 Hello, its me :)

(I’m sorry I know we need to leave that joke behind in 2015 but I just had to).

Cue the long awaited update.

Making time to blog
This is most definitely my weakest point. My problem is that I set myself too many tasks for the day or even week and I end up not completing even half of them. And I think with the blogging community, there is such an underlying pressure to maintain this constant presence and being active at all times of the day. It’s not just the post, It’s the tweets and the interactivity and working on the next post. It is a constant cycle that honestly, is rather draining.

I’m not at the top of my game…YET!
Okay so I don’t have the best content, best layout or even photo quality and to be honest. After 3 year of doing this you think I would be but to be honest, I don’t even like what I post any more. Blogging is so much more than beauty and fashion blah blah blah. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before. But you know what, as the oldest saying in the book says, practice makes perfect (well the illusion of it anyway)

Realising you are more than your blog
Yes Holy Chic is my little “empire” if you will and I love what I have created. I love that I have a voice much louder than the one in real life and I love the feedback that I get from posts. But I am also a newly qualified adult, attending university and figuring everything out. My blog is something that will leave me and it is something I want to push back into my routine

Pressing pause
I wrote a post called that back at the beginning of 2015 and you can check it here because I rather like it. But you know what, it is okay to press pause and take a break because sometimes we just have to live life. Away from the screens screwing up my eyesight (haha sorry eyes)

So what’s next?
Well its 2016 and its time to bring in the New Year. I do apologise for abandoning you towards the end of the year I am so happy to be roping blogging back into my daily routine and creating new content and allowing my blog to evolve as much as I think I have.

Not only do I have a new job starting in February, but lots of trips, internships and the rest of uni to battle my way though.

I am really excited to going back on the blogging train and bringing you guys a long with me. Here is to 2016; a new year filled with lots of new things.

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Sunday, 10 January 2016

Things to do this week #2 | Holy Chic

So as it is still the new year, I’m sure we could all use some help in finding something to do this week eyy?


Watch it: Jessica jones. Yes you need to do it. It’s the perfect mix of superheroes, a strong female character and David tenant

Do this: check of a days to do list. Whether it is go for a run or read some of your book, get productive in January

Listen to this: the undisclosed podcast. I have to thank Beth for alerting me to this but if you loved the Serial podcast on the case of Adnan Sayed then you will love this even more. Delve deeper into the case with this podcast.

Take a break: why not have a mini UK getaway. Travelling fuels the mind; even if it is only a few miles away

Try this: the 2016 memory jar. Fill it up with all good things that happen to you over the year and at the end of the year, go through it all and see how good the year actually was for you.
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Sunday, 3 January 2016

15 things of 2015 | Holy Chic

Hello all and hello 2016. Yes I know I still suck at this whole blogging thing but I do intend on properly reintroducing myself in the next few days however for now, I think it is time for a recap.

Today I am going to share with you some of my favourite things from 2015. 15 to be exact. Since maybe 2012 or 2013 I have been keeping a memory jar containing all of the good things that happen in the year and on the 1st of January I go through it and have the biggest smile on my face.

1.       Going off to university has to be the best one because I feel like it has changed me in so many ways and I can’t wait for you guys to see that through my blog work.

2.       Passing my driving test because it made me poor but hey, I have a license

3.       Having more of a role in my youth club which I am so proud of myself for. I have done so many events with them and I am now a trainee youth worker

4.       GETTING THE JOB! Okay by this I mean I applied for 3 student jobs at uni and I got all of them. My final one starts in February and I am super excited to be earning. I feel like an adult haha!

5.       Becoming legal. Okay so turning 18 is a big thing for me and my friends and I am so happy I got to share it with them and my family of course

6.       Getting my a level results (although they were shit) were a great relief and it meant I finally left the school I have hated for all of the years I have been there

7.       My blog stats did increase at the beginning of the year and I am so proud of the place I got it to

8.       The travelling bug bit me. Yes from interrailing with my friends to an Easter getaway with the family and 2 mini getaways with my friend to the sea and the city. And I don’t intend for that travelling bug to stop

9.       Days out with my friends from shopping to dinner to drive arounds

10.   Voted in the general election was something rather odd because although I am very challenged in the politics department, if you have the chance to get your voice heard, why waste it eyy?

11.   I finished my first term at university which was an amazing feeling and now I just have lots of free time. Well I have an essay to write, but it’ll get done…:)

12.   Widening my horizons has definably been the biggest step for me towards the end of the year and I just feel different. I can’t explain it.

13.   Christmas with the family once again was amazing and the highlight had to be playing frustration. A Christmas classic!

14.   Finishing the UCAS stuff! What a relief to write a personal statement and get all five offers from universities.

15.   YOU! Your support and your comments. Just I can’t even come up with the words to thank you guys

 Here is to 2016 being a kick ass year and I hope you all find the paths to success. I have so many things coming up this year including trips and jobs and more uni. But I even have lots of posts coming up for the blog and hopefully you will see it as a mature move in the right direction.

Oh and if you haven’t already, try the jar method and store away all of the good things that happen to you in the year.

Until next time :)
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