Sunday 22 March 2015

The Sunday post : some sort of picture round up

Guess who’s back back back, back again again again…

Yes the lifestyle related Sunday post is what I have for you guys today and I have missed the weekly lifestyle snippets on the blog. But sometimes when you don’t do anything, it really isn’t worth blogging about.

I think the most noticeable thing in this post is the food. All of these pictures did span over the course of a couple of weeks but food is a necessity, food is good and food can also look pretty.

I also had a little toast on mother’s day and I am quite partial to a glass of champagne. Am I now a little high maintenance?

If you thought that was the apparent solar eclipse, no but it was taken about a week ago (dance break) and it just looked pretty on my way to school. Yes occasionally I am one of those that has to take a picture of their surroundings. But like seriously, did any of you guys see the eclipse? I stood in the cold for no reason :(

Also on the “work” side of things I typed up 60 pages worth of revision notes which is a lot considering I had written them out beforehand. And I have been leaving some time to watch gossip girl. I have been having my usual at school more than normal recently ( hot chocolate and muffin) which has been great comfort food for the tough week. And yes, I have Starbucks at my school :)

I won’t keep you too long this week as I need to revise for my test tomorrow and my theory test. I’ve had a whole day of filming, 6hours of sleep and I am simply knackered.

Pray for me.

Have a great week everyone :)
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